
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Chris Maltby, owner Terry's Cycle, Alma Michigan, joins the cast for this episode of the show. Big Hair, always informative and entertaining makes another huge appearance. This epsiode Chris describes all the amazing products Terry Cycle offers for Christmas gifts and year round enjoyment,including but not limited to the following: Trek Fat Bikes, Cannondale, Bontrager Wheelworks and Components, Garmin, Blackburn, Bell, Giro and many more. For those legal scholars that listen each week, yes, cannabis is discussed in the form of judges ordering probationers to refrain from medical marijuana. Open intoxicants and other legal topics are covered as well.
Terrycycle.com 989-463-5260 317 N. State Street, Alma Michigan

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Thanksgiving Show 2017, Drunk Driving Laws, THC During Birth of Child, FUN SHOW!!
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Todd & Craig, post thanksgiving, deliver an hour of entertainment filled with humor, stories of friendship, cannabis and much more. Sit back and relax to another great podcast of the Todd L. Levitt Law Show.

Friday Nov 17, 2017
Friday Nov 17, 2017
When it comes to Marijuana, every country has its own special relationship with the plant. Todd & Craig, review which countries generally accept cannabis and which ones turn a cheek. Uncle Ted, opens the show with Wango Tango kicking off opening day of rifle season in the State of Michigan. Michigan Senate, approved bills along party lines which would allow people to carry concealed guns inside schools, bars, preschools, churches and other places where they're currently prohibited. Drager THC Drug Test roadside device is discussed in regards to the negatives and positives constitutionally with testing THC levels. This episode is fast paced with information, advocacy and a twist of humor. ENJOY!!!!

Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
This show delivers the goods that you come to expect from The Todd L. Levitt Law Show. Episode covers a wide range of topics including: Is it illegal to operate a self-driving vehicle while intoxicated? Detroit, Michigan approved a Medical Marijuana Zoning Ordinance. (5) Michigan Counties selected and started roadside drug testing. HR2215-Safe Act. HR1824- Marijuana Policy Gap Act. HR1810 Small Business Tax. Michigan Bill failed that would have restricted cell phone while driving.

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sara Barber, Founder/President Cannabon Theraputics returns to the studio showcasing all her new products. Sara's enthusiasm is contagious as she educates the audience about the various products her company offers and the benefits received. Craig, puts Todd on the spot asking him what he would do, if he came across an illegal marijuana grow in a cornfield. This episode is fun, fast and filled with tons of information.

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Marijuana Application Checklist, Caregivers, Cardholders, HUGE SHOW!!!!
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
HUGE SHOW!!! (LARA) Licensing and Regulatory Affairs released a checklist to provide information to the public and potential Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensees as to the types of documentation that may be needed for the application process. The checklist is not a formal application but advisory only. Todd & Craig, also discuss a wide range of topics together with a twist of humor. ENJOY!!

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Post, Central Michigan University homecoming weekend, Todd, after being up for two days provides an hour show filled with information, entertainment with a twist of humor. Craig Russell & Todd discuss a wide variety of legal topics including Michigan providing a number of free seminars on how to apply for licensing under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMMFLA). Nurse arrested in Oregon, for refusing to allow law enforcement to extract blood from patient. This episode will not disappoint the listener, ENJOY!!!

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
The State of Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) released an advisory bulletin today to inform and advise prospective medical marijuana licensees regarding stacking of medical marijuana class C grower licenses. Additionally, (LARA) released an advisory bulletin to inform and advise prospective medical marijuana licensees regarding co-location of medical marijuana facilities. It is the intention of LARA that multiple licenses will be allowed to co-locate in the same facility if conditions are met. All this information can be found on LARA's website. Senate Bill 594 introduced by Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof would allow for the creation of private public police force. This episode will not disapoint, as Todd & Craig deliver energy, information with a twist of humor. Enjoy!!!

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Small Claims Court, Mediation, Drag Racing, BIG HAIR!!
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Big Hair, aka, Jerry Neal joins the show for an hour of entertainment, law, music and banter. In the small-claims division of the district court, you can bring a lawsuit against anyone who owes you money. You can sue a person who or business that has caused damage to your property or possessions. The maximum you can collect through a judgment in small claims court is $3,000 (Michigan). Parties in a dispute can choose to mediate before or after a lawsuit is filed. Drag Racing, Reckless Driving and other moving violations are discussed. Big Hair, provides an added sense of humor to an already fast moving fun show. Enjoy!!!

Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Todd & Craig discuss a variety of legal topics with insight and a twist of humor. The show starts off with a case out of Minnesota where the Supreme Court ruled that a person in Minnesota can be guilty of motor vehicle theft even if he doesn't move the vehicle. Can cops use iPhone facial recognition technology to access users' information? Listen to this episode and learn the answer. Home invasion vs Illegal entry? When can someone be charged with one and not the other? Finally, during the last segment, Todd & Craig list character traits that are important in close friendships. This episode is filled with all the energy and information you have come to expect. Enjoy!!!!