
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Todd's friend Craig Dintaman joins the show for an array of topics, including adult dating websites, home invasion, bunny rabbits and current marijuana bills introduced to congress. The show is what you have come to expect including fast paced conversation together with bits of humor and tons of information.

Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Attorney, John Devine, Rabbits, Gas Stations, Hemp!!!! Rock 105 FM
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Thursday Mar 30, 2017
Mount Pleasant, Michigan Attorney, John Devine sits down in studio with Todd to discuss a recent case he won involving local and national rabbit clubs. Attorney John Devine brings knowledge, humor and fun to the weekly law show. This episode is the first to air on three Michigan radio stations: 98.5 WUPS, Rock 105 & 95.5 FM. Todd will not disappoint you with his weekly barrage of humor and advocacy regarding cannabis and hemp. Enjoy!!!

Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Doctor Robert Townsend, Denali Healthcare, PLLC, joins Todd for the entire hour to discuss medical marijuana certifications for qualifying patients. Additionally, the topics involve, how to broach the issue with your medical doctor regarding marijuana for the first time. During the last two segments Dr. Bob and Todd discuss a wide range of issues from THC levels to relationships between doctors and pharmacist. Also, joining the show is regular guest, "Little John" This show delivers the goods as audiences have come to expect. Premiering for the first time is the new opening to the show produced by Craig Russell, (WUPS radio personality) Enjoy!!!!
www. denalihealthcaremi.com

Thursday Mar 09, 2017
Thursday Mar 09, 2017
This episode discusses how long THC stays in your blood system and what determines the time period. Can I be fired from my job for using legal marijuana? YES & NO. Stay tuned throughout the show for a detailed discussion on the states that have employee protections and what you can do to protect yourself. Todd, takes the listener on a fast paced energetic show filled with tons of useful information.

Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
This episode is jam packed with information regarding Miranda v. Arizona. What are your rights when facing police interrogation? What are your rights when you are under investigation and not free to leave? When does Miranda Warning trigger? All these questions and more are answered in this high energy episode. Todd also provides updates regarding The Las Vegas Cannabis Cup and the Department of Justice memos (Cole) (Wilkinson). Huge shout out to Jessi Cox, Chief Executive Officer, Cannabistaff www.cannabistaff.com

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
This episode will be one the listener will share with friends and one they will listen to on repeat. Corrine Williamson joins Todd in studio off mic providing background humor, commentary and important information! Todd is jacked up on caffeine as he rolls through the segments topic after topic. During the first segment Todd discusses multiple conversations with township supervisors who have taken a positive tone regarding marijuana facilities within their communities. During the last few segments, Todd discusses how to approach investors and protect your brand identity. As always the show is filled with humor and off the wall comments that fill the gaps between topics of discussion. The episode invites listeners to enjoy some comic relief, while gaining important knowledge on various topics. THIS IS AN EPISODE EVERYONE CAN ENJOY!

Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Smoking Marijuana While on Probation, Veterans Treatment Court, NFL Lawsuit
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
This episode is packed with special guest who join the show to discuss probationers and the ability to utilize medical marijuana card while serving term of probation. Other topics include a look at Veterans Court and what they provide regarding treatment options. Finally, a discussion about the NFL and current lawsuit seeking retired players to join the class of plaintiffs. This episode is fast paced with special guest adding a flavor of conversation only heard on this show.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Todd is joined in studio by Senior Law Clerk, Tyler B. Webb for an entertaining and informative episode. Tyler, discusses a story that appeared in the ABA Journal regarding an IRS lawyer and adjunct Georgetown law proffesor charged in alleged meth conspiracy. During the last few minutes of the final segment, Todd empowers listeners to become enthusiastic in their daily lives to produce positive reactions in those around them.. Huge Show!!

Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Todd, is fired up throughout the episode discussing the Controlled Substance Act, and the governments refusal to remove from schedule 1. Topics in this episode include: The Department of Justice guideline's to federal prosecutors concerning marijuana enforcement and state priorities. During one segment, the issue of banking and credit unions inability to accept cannabis revenue is discussed. As always, two humorous stories regarding cats, dogs and babies in grocery carts.. This show is jam packed with information, humor and an announcement regarding Levitt Law Seminar's upcoming Cannabis Conference..

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Attorney, Robert J. Piziali joins Todd to discuss all the amazing employment opportunities that exist in the cannabis industry. Piziali and Levitt have been law associates and best friends since childhood and relive some past memories of college, law school and a trip to the Superbowl. This episode is fun and will leave the listener with a smile.