
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
LARA consulted with the Michigan Attorney General's office regarding facilities and dispensaries currently in operation and determined that any regulatory action will require an administrative rule. The department's intent for the emergency rule is to consider any operation of a facility-that would otherwise need to be licensed under the MMFLA-as a potential impediment to licensure if continued after December 15, 2017. LARA will begin accepting license applications for all facilities on that date. This applies to all facilities defined under MMFLA. THIS APPROACH WILL ALLOW EXISTING OPERATIONS TO WIND DOWN WHILE ALSO GIVING ADEQUATE TIME FOR PATIENTS TO ESTABLISH CONNECTIONS TO CAREGIVERS TO HELP ENSURE CONTINUITY OF ACCESS. Source Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Sara Barber, founder/CEO, CannaBon Therapeutics, joins Todd & Craig in studio as special guest prividing the audience with insight into her comapnies product line and other topics involing cannabis. This episode is non-stop information with the usual twist of humopr and music..Enjoy!!!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Cannabis, How Companies Are Banking, Joe Montana Invests in Cannabis Media Company
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Otsego Lake Township, calls for more medical marijuana conversation. As of now Otsego County, Michigan Townships, have been hesitant to opt into the upcoming Michigan medical marijuana laws. One Township Supervisor, feels that there are many positive factors that could make opting in beneficial for the Township and County. Also, during the show Todd & Craig discuss former NFL Hall of Famer Joe Montana, investing in Cannabis Media Outlet. This episode is filled with banter, humor and tons of law. Enjoy!!

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
This episode covers all the issues college students and their parents face including the following but not limited to: alcohol in dorms, marijuana on campus, the right to carry a concealed weapon, minor in possession of alcohol, penalties and punishment.

Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
The State of Michigan sued M22 for trademark infringement. Eventually, a Federal Judge dismissed suit in favor of M22. This show discusses the issues surrounding the lawsuit and breaks down Trademark Law. Todd is a huge fan of M22.com M22 filed for Federal Protection under the mark in 2006 and was granted registration in 2007. In 2012, after the 5 year period allowing for contestation, the mark became incontestable. Years later, Michigan Attorney General, files for trademark infringement. Federal Law, is the law of the land and in the end Federal Judge throws case out. Be sure to check out all the awesome products at www.M22.com During the final segment, Todd & Craig discuss updates to The Michigan Motor Vehicle Code MCL 257.625(1) Operating While Intoxicated. Corrine Williamson, finally appears on the show after years of lobbying on behalf of Todd.
M22 is represented by Revision Law, www.revisionlegal.com Attorney, John Di Giacomo
Disclaimer: Attorney Todd L. Levitt is not a Trademark/Copyright/Patent Attorney and recommends the listener contact lawyers who specialize in these areas of law. Todd, suggest Revision Legal as a firm whom to contact.

Monday Aug 14, 2017
Larceny By Conversion, Adverse Possession, Land Disputes
Monday Aug 14, 2017
Monday Aug 14, 2017
Todd & Craig take a break from Cannabis, and focus on issues concerning neighbors disputing over property lines, trees and fences. Also, during this episode the two discuss larceny by conversion whereby one person loans another personal property which is not returned. Fun show with lots of sidebar conversation, humor and music.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Sandee Waldo and Chris Gearhart join Todd & Craig in studio to discuss and advocate for the rights of veterans and the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Sandee's knowledge and experience in the area of CBD, Cannabiniods and treating certain conditions with medical marijuana is extensive. This is an episode you will want to share and listen to over and over. Enjoy!!!!

Saturday Jul 22, 2017
Saturday Jul 22, 2017
Craig & Todd, deliver the goods as this episode is full of high energy, law and even a bit of humor. Senate Bill 433, signed by Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder, amends the Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act to meet federal background check requirements. Public Acts 29 and 30 of 2017, effective August 7, 2017, amended the Michigan Penal Code by adding MCL 750.43a to prohibit a person from intentionally aiming a beam of directed energy emitted from a directed energy device at an aircraft or into the path of an aircraft or moving train. This show is one to to share with friends and listen to over and over again, ENJOY!!!

Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
This episode stands out as one of the most compelling discussions with Brandon McQueen & Crisi Snow presenting postions on why cannnabis is not what the naysayers would have you believe. Also, throughout the show Todd & Craig share their thoughts on the issue of parents allowing open alcohol in their homes knowing young adults and children are present. Todd, complains about StoryTime as a young child as Crisi ends the show reading Goodnight Moon. This show is one you will want to share with your friends and listen to more than once, ENJOY!!!

Friday Jul 07, 2017
Mike Seaman Tribute, by Scott Daigle
Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
This segment aired on 98.5 WUPS, Rock 105/95.5 dedicated to our fallen brother who spent his life giving back to others. I was one of those individuals who looked up to Mike and always took his advice on how to improve. One of his best friends Scott Daigle wrote a heartfelt tribute to Mike that I read on my show. RIP Mike

Friday Jul 07, 2017
Friday Jul 07, 2017
This episode delivers the goods you have come to expect from The Todd L. Levitt Law Show. Each segment is packed with Cannabis related stories together with banter back and forth between Todd & Craig Russell. Topics include: Greece Legalizing Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Debuts in Las Vegas, Hemp Infused Beer a Huge Hit in Europe and many more. Associate Producer, Fitzpatrick (Fitz) makes her first on air appearance. This show will have you listening over and over again, ENJOY!!!